This story will help you understand what gulp is and how you can write a gulp task.
What is Gulp?
Gulp is a build tool
that helps us with web development tasks mainly frontend tasks. Few examples:
- Converting ES6 to ES5 (Transpilation)
- Reloading the browser automatically whenever a file is saved.
- Optimizing assets like JS, Images, CSS, etc.
- Code Minification
- Code Uglification
- Running a web server.
Install Gulp
sudo npm install gulp -g
-g means you are installing gulp globally in your system.
If you want to install gulp in your project only then use:
npm install gulp --save-dev
Create a file called gulpfile.js in your root directory of the project.
Lets write our first gulp task:
The first step is to require the gulp dependency in your gulpfile.js.
var gulp = require('gulp');
The require function tells the node to look inside the node_modules folder for a package name gulp. Now we can write a gulp task as:
gulp.task('task-name'), function () {
// code here for what to do
Let’s test our gulp task:
gulp.task('hello-world'), function () {
console.log('Hello World');
To run the above task just type in your terminal:
gulp hello-world
Note: You can add the gulp tasks in package.json also and run using npm.
You can see in the command line as output:
Hello World
Now, as we wrote our first code. Let’s write some complex gulp tasks.
Usually, gulp provides us two methods and a bunch of gulp plugins.
gulp.task('task-name', function () {
return gulp.src('source-files')
You can pipe many gulp plugin in a gulp task as you need.
To see your output, if it worked or not you can go inside your destination folder and see.
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